Colin kreskas ( COLE.K ) is a self taught artist with a background in visual merchandising. I began exhibiting my work in local cafes in carnigie, Malvern east which lead to good sales and exposure and recently in Camberwell art show.
His current work using acrylic and resin explores the rich possibilities of the medium. Allowing the paint to find its own pathway it celebrates both the control of the artist and the capacity to allow the medium to find its own form resulting in a dynamic and striking abstact form.
He has tapped into the spiritual realm around all of us, that had inadvertantly effected him personally at one time in a profound way. From a time shrouded by darkness then released by light. The paintings in this series encompass an ethereal world, hidden to the natural eye and exposes the three dimensional matrix and what lies beneath the veil. The images captured here reveal many hidden secrets that lay dormant within the husk of humanity. Uncovering one of the greatest mysteries that only the spirit can reveal through the abstract work found in these revealing images as presented here in this unique medium. |